Smoothies – a great and fast way to get a lot of nutrients in one sip! Preparing fruits, berries or vegetables for a cocktail can take a long time. Before adding to the cocktail, you will need to wash them, peel them, remove the seeds, cut before making the cocktail. Freeze dried (lyophilized) products are made from fruits, vegetables or even meat by removing water. This process preserves the taste, texture and nutrients of the original product during processing. One tablespoon equals seven to eight tablespoons of whole fruit, so you’ll save more money over time.
Ingredients: freeze dried (lyophilized) bananas, raspberries, strawberries, apples, cranberries, cranberries, r. currant powder
Store in a dry and cool place.
Place of origin: European Union.
Manufacturer: UAB "Geld Baltic"
How to use? Open the package, pour in the electric mixer. Add 150 ml of water, milk or vegetable milk and shake well. Vuolia! Cocktail ready! Delicious!
1347 kJ 329 Kcal
2.5 g
0.3 g
55.5 g
38 g
5.7 g
0 g
16.1 g
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